●今般、JTECでは、APT* から受託した「最新無線技術動向と電波(周波数)の有効利用計画」研修(Latest Wireless Communications Technology Trends and Planning of Effective Utilization of Frequency Spectrum)を2021年3月17日から19日と同月24日から26日の2回、時間帯が分かれるため、日本時間で午前と午後にコースを分けて、オンラインで実施しました。
Date | Schedule | Lecturer or Organizer | |
Mar.17(Wed.) & Mar.24(Wed.) |
10:00 &14:00 |
Opening Session Orientation |
10:30 &14:30 |
Lecture1: Promoting the use of radio waves in social infrastructures |
MIC | |
11:30 &15:30 |
Lecture2: Frequency Reorganization Action Plan |
MIC | |
Mar.18(Thu.) & Mar.25(Thu.) |
10:00 &14:00 |
Lecture3: Promoting Public Safety LTE |
11:00 &15:00 |
Lecture4: Development of a Wireless Communication System (STABLE) Realizing Low Latency and Massive Connection |
NICT | |
Mar.19(Fri.) & Mar.26(Fri.) |
10:00 &14:00 |
Lecture5: Spectrum Policies in the U.S. and EU countries in the 5G Era |
KDDI Research and Development |
11:00 &15:00 |
Lecture6: Research and Technology at Public Service Media Organization |
Japan Broadcasting. Corporation (NHK) | |
12:00 &16:00 |
Lecture7: Expansion of Private 5G |
Fujitsu Limited | |
13:00 &17:00 |
Closing |
*APT: Asia-Pacific Telecommunity