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Home > News & Topics > The Minister of Samoa visited JTEC

The Minister of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) of Samoa, Hon. Afamasaga Lepuiai Rico Tupai and the CEO (Permanent Secretary) Mr. Tua’imalo Asamu Ah Sam visited JTEC on November 9, 2017.


At JTEC, we exchanged information on cooperation for Samoa in the ICT & broadcasting sector as well as shared information about the development status of the Pacific Island nations.
Also present were Mr. Haruo Okamura CEO of Global Plan Co., Ltd. and executives from OCC Corporation who introduced their “easy to install” F-FPC optical cable with a presentation.


In addition, the visit of Samoa’s Minister and CEO for this week-long visit to Japan (5-to 12 November) was based on an invitation of the Association for Promotion of International Cooperation (APIC). They have shared information and exchanged information with government ministries, agencies and ICT companies in Japan regarding services, utilization of submarine optical cable, etc.